Source code for osaca.osaca

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""CLI for OSACA"""
import argparse
import io
import os
import re
import sys

from osaca.db_interface import import_benchmark_output, sanity_check
from osaca.frontend import Frontend
from osaca.parser import BaseParser, ParserAArch64v81, ParserX86ATT
from osaca.semantics import (INSTR_FLAGS, ArchSemantics, KernelDG,
                             MachineModel, reduce_to_section)

MODULE_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]), 'osaca/data/'
LOCAL_OSACA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.osaca/')
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(LOCAL_OSACA_DIR, 'data/')

# Stolen from pip
def __read(*names, **kwargs):
    """Reads in file"""
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *names), encoding=kwargs.get("encoding", "utf8")
    ) as fp:

# Stolen from pip
def __find_version(*file_paths):
    """Searches for a version attribute in the given file(s)"""
    version_file = __read(*file_paths)
    version_match ="^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]", version_file, re.M)
    if version_match:
    raise RuntimeError('Unable to find version string.')

[docs]def get_version(): """ Gets the current OSACA version stated in the __init__ file :returns: str -- the version string. """ return __find_version('')
[docs]def create_parser(parser=None): """ Return argparse parser. :param parser: Existing parser object to add the arguments, defaults to `None` :type parser: :class:`~Argparse.ArgumentParser` :returns: The newly created :class:`~Argparse.ArgumentParser` object. """ # Create parser if not parser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Analyzes a marked innermost loop snippet for a given architecture type.', epilog='For help, examples, documentation and bug reports go to:\n' '/RRZE-HPC/OSACA/ | License: AGPLv3', ) # Add arguments parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __find_version('') ) parser.add_argument( '--arch', type=str, help='Define architecture (SNB, IVB, HSW, BDW, SKX, CSX, ZEN1, ZEN2, TX2).', ) parser.add_argument( '--fixed', action='store_true', help='Run the throughput analysis with fixed probabilities for all suitable ports per ' 'instruction. Otherwise, OSACA will print the optimal port utilization for the kernel.', ) parser.add_argument( '--db-check', dest='check_db', action='store_true', help='Run a sanity check on the by "--arch" specified database. The output depends ' 'on the verbosity level.', ) parser.add_argument( '--import', metavar='MICROBENCH', dest='import_data', type=str, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Import a given microbenchmark output file into the corresponding architecture ' 'instruction database. Define the type of microbenchmark either as "ibench" or ' '"asmbench".', ) parser.add_argument( '--insert-marker', dest='insert_marker', action='store_true', help='Try to find assembly block containing the loop to analyse and insert byte ' 'marker by using Kerncraft.', ) parser.add_argument( '--export-graph', metavar='EXPORT_PATH', dest='dotpath', default=None, type=str, help='Output path for .dot file export. If "." is given, the file will be stored as ' '"./"', ) parser.add_argument( '--ignore-unknown', dest='ignore_unknown', action='store_true', help='Ignore if instructions cannot be found in the data file and print analysis anyway.', ) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0, help='Increases verbosity level.' ) parser.add_argument( 'file', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='Path to object (ASM or instruction file).' ) return parser
[docs]def check_arguments(args, parser): """ Check arguments passed by user that are not checked by argparse itself. :param args: arguments given from :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` after parsing :param parser: :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` object """ supported_archs = ['SNB', 'IVB', 'HSW', 'BDW', 'SKX', 'CSX', 'ZEN1', 'ZEN2', 'TX2'] supported_import_files = ['ibench', 'asmbench'] if 'arch' in args and (args.arch is None or args.arch.upper() not in supported_archs): parser.error( 'Microarchitecture not supported. Please see --help for all valid architecture codes.' ) if 'import_data' in args and args.import_data not in supported_import_files: parser.error( 'Microbenchmark not supported for data import. Please see --help for all valid ' 'microbenchmark codes.' )
[docs]def import_data(benchmark_type, arch, filepath, output_file=sys.stdout): """ Imports benchmark results from micro-benchmarks. :param benchmark_type: key for defining type of benchmark output :type benchmark_type: str :param arch: target architecture to put the data into the right database :type arch: str :param filepath: filepath of the output file" :type filepath: str :param output_file: output stream specifying where to write output, defaults to :class:`sys.stdout` :type output_file: stream, optional """ if benchmark_type.lower() == 'ibench': import_benchmark_output(arch, 'ibench', filepath, output=output_file) elif benchmark_type.lower() == 'asmbench': import_benchmark_output(arch, 'asmbench', filepath, output=output_file) else: raise NotImplementedError('This benchmark input variant is not supported.')
[docs]def insert_byte_marker(args): """ Inserts byte markers into an assembly file using kerncraft. :param args: arguments given from :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` after parsing """ try: from kerncraft.incore_model import asm_instrumentation except ImportError: print( "Module kerncraft not installed. Use 'pip install --user " "kerncraft' for installation.\nFor more information see " "", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) assembly = unmarked_assembly = io.StringIO(assembly) marked_assembly = io.StringIO() asm_instrumentation( input_file=unmarked_assembly, output_file=marked_assembly, block_selection='manual', pointer_increment='auto_with_manual_fallback', isa=MachineModel.get_isa_for_arch(args.arch), ) assembly = with open(, 'w') as f: f.write(assembly)
[docs]def inspect(args, output_file=sys.stdout): """ Does the actual throughput and critical path analysis of OSACA and prints it to the terminal. :param args: arguments given from :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` after parsing :param output_file: Define the stream for output, defaults to :class:`sys.stdout` :type output_file: stream, optional """ arch = args.arch isa = MachineModel.get_isa_for_arch(arch) verbose = args.verbose ignore_unknown = args.ignore_unknown # Read file code = # Parse file parser = get_asm_parser(arch) parsed_code = parser.parse_file(code) # Reduce to marked kernel and add semantics kernel = reduce_to_section(parsed_code, isa) machine_model = MachineModel(arch=arch) semantics = ArchSemantics(machine_model) semantics.add_semantics(kernel) # Do optimal schedule for kernel throughput if wished if not args.fixed: semantics.assign_optimal_throughput(kernel) # Create DiGrahps kernel_graph = KernelDG(kernel, parser, machine_model) if args.dotpath is not None: kernel_graph.export_graph(args.dotpath if args.dotpath != '.' else None) # Print analysis frontend = Frontend(, arch=arch) print( frontend.full_analysis( kernel, kernel_graph, ignore_unknown=ignore_unknown, verbose=verbose ), file=output_file, )
[docs]def run(args, output_file=sys.stdout): """ Main entry point for OSACAs workflow. Decides whether to run an analysis or other things. :param args: arguments given from :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` after parsing :param output_file: Define the stream for output, defaults to :class:`sys.stdout` :type output_file: stream, optional """ if args.check_db: # Sanity check on DB verbose = True if args.verbose > 0 else False sanity_check(args.arch, verbose=verbose, output_file=output_file) elif 'import_data' in args: # Import microbench output file into DB import_data(args.import_data, args.arch,, output_file=output_file) elif args.insert_marker: # Try to add IACA marker insert_byte_marker(args) else: # Analyze kernel inspect(args, output_file=output_file)
[docs]def get_asm_parser(arch) -> BaseParser: """ Helper function to create the right parser for a specific architecture. :param arch: architecture code :type arch: str :returns: :class:`~osaca.parser.BaseParser` object """ isa = MachineModel.get_isa_for_arch(arch) if isa == 'x86': return ParserX86ATT() elif isa == 'aarch64': return ParserAArch64v81()
[docs]def get_unmatched_instruction_ratio(kernel): """Return ratio of unmatched from total instructions in kernel.""" unmatched_counter = 0 for instruction in kernel: if ( INSTR_FLAGS.TP_UNKWN in instruction['flags'] and INSTR_FLAGS.LT_UNKWN in instruction['flags'] ): unmatched_counter += 1 return unmatched_counter / len(kernel)
[docs]def main(): """Initialize and run command line interface.""" parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() check_arguments(args, parser) run(args)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()